Sam的目标是帮助客户在体力付出过后,得到相应的回报。他认为每一位客户皆可刷新其体能极限,持续实现目标。 Sam从2010年接触健身,带着这些年的训练和学习经验从2016年担任私人教练 。 Sam更认为体育运动应该是结合生活的,帮助我们提升身心素质的,他会通过多样常规化的训练方法,制订符合客户需求的循环训练计划,付出一定会有收获。
Sam's mission is to help clients achieve the results they want. He believes that every client can re-ignite their physical fitness and keep attaining their goals. . He also feels that sports should be a part of life to heighten our physical and psychological capacity. First exposed to fitness in 2010 and with years of training and learning experience as a personal trainer since 2016, Sam will design personalised training programmes that meet client needs through various training methods – and the effort will pay off.
- 美国国家运动医学会国际私人教练认证
- 国际悬挂训练体系认证
- AIK壶铃国际认证
- 振动训练器认证
- 红十字会心肺复苏认证